United States Constitution Amendment 2 |
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§ 1 ¶ 1 A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. |
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The Gun Control Debate: You Decide
Presents both sides of the gun-control versus right to keep and bear arms debate. | |
For the Defense of Themselves and the State: The Original Intent and Judicial Interpretation of the Right to Keep and Bear Arms
A scholarly examination of both the original intent of the writers and ratifiers of the Second Amendment and of the subsequently developed case history in the court system. | |
To Keep and Bear Arms; The Origins of an Anglo-American Right
Traces the development of the American right to keep and bear arms as embodied in the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution from the body of English Common Law having its origin in the seventeenth century. | |
Origin of the Second Amendment: A Documentary History of the Bill of Rights in Commentaries on Liberty, Free Government and an Armed Populace 1787-1792
A compilation of original sources documenting the public discussion surrounding the ratification of the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution. Clearly establishes the right to keep and bear arms as an individual right intended as a last resort defense against foreign attackers and domestic despotism. | |
Gun Control and the Constitution: Sources and Explorations on the Second Amendment
Reprints of a variety of original sources and commentaries, both from the point of view of the right to keep and bear arms and from the point of view of gun-control advocates. Includes a discussion of the intent of the Fourteenth Amendment in assuring the right to keep and bear arms to former slaves in the South. | |
A Well Regulated Militia; The Battle over Gun Control
Presents both sides of the debate over the right to keep and bear arms versus gun control. | |
The Bill of Rights: Original Meaning and Current Understanding
The Bill of Rights has been subjected to considerable interpretive revision by the Supreme Court. This is demonstrated by considering the original meaning of the Bill of Rights and the the history, theory, and practice underlying the Bill of Rights. | |
Freedmen, the Fourteenth Amendment, and the Right to Bear Arms, 1866-1876
Examines the 14th Amendment as it relates to the right of the former slaves to carry arms. | |
Mounting Threat of Home Intruders: Weighing the Moral Option of Armed Self-Defense
After establishing the need for self defense, the authors turn to the ethical and moral considerations regarding the use of deadly force in the Judeo-Christian traditions. In conclusion they briefly examine the social policy issues that arise out of this study. | |
Origins and Development of the Second Amendment : A SourceBook
A short but comprehensive treatment of the history of the American right to keep and bear arms, from medieval England to the present. | |
Rights of Gun Owners: A Second Amendment Foundation Handbook
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A Right to Bear Arms: State and Federal Bills of Rights and Constitutional Guarantees
Explores the basis of the United States Constitution's Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms, in terms of other documents contemporaneous to the ratification of the Bill of Rights. | |
Gun Rights Fact Book
A handy pocket reference for those who would defend the American right to keep and bear arms. | |
In Our Defense: The Bill of Rights in Action
Examines the freedoms expressed in the Bill of Rights, their legal and historical significance, and illustrates with stories of how lives have been affected by such issues as the death penalty, gun control and the right to privacy. | |
More Guns Less Crime : Understanding Crime and Gun-Control Laws
Economics professor presents statistical data that contradicts the claims of firearm-control advocacy groups. Possession of guns by law-abiding citizens is shown to reduce crime. Claims that firearm possession is more dangerous to family and friends than disarmament are shown to be fallacious. Book was featured on KFYI Barry Young show May 6, 1998. | |
Targeting Guns : Firearms and Their Control
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That Every Man Be Armed: The Evolution of a Constitutional Right
Explores the history of the right to keep and bear arms. | |
Target Switzerland: Swiss Armed Neutrality in World War II
Armed militia of Switzerland contributed to security in World War II | |
The Samurai, the Mountie, and the Cowboy: Should America Adopt the Gun Controls of Other Democracies
Compares gun control laws in different countries, and concludes that the best approach in the United States is to increase gun education. | |
Guns, Crime and Freedom
National Rifle Association leader gives an accessible discussion of why the right to keep and bear arms is important to Americans, and counters the arguments of those who would deny Americans their Second Amendment rights. | |
Guns; Who Should Have Them?
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Tyranny of Gun Control
The reasons why the founding fathers wrote the right to keep and bear arms into the Bill of Rights, and what has happened to those who would disarm in pursuit of peace. The hidden agenda of gun control advocates. | |
Under Fire; The NRA and the Battle for Gun Control, Expanded Edition
A gun control advocate finds fault with the National Rifle Association. | |
The Changing Politics of Gun Control
These essays explore how Congress, the courts, the president, and individual states are currently addressing the issue of gun control. The essays include profiles and examinations of relevant interest groups, the gun control coalition, recent Supreme Court decisions, and public opinion surveys. | |
The Politics of Gun Control, Second Edition
A wide-ranging overview of the American gun culture, the history and meaning of the Second Amendment, the criminological consequences of guns, and the policy-making roles of Congress, the presidency, the bureaucracy, interest groups, public opinion, and the political parties. | |
The Gun Grabbers: Who They Are, how They Operate Where They Get Their Money
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Self Control; Not Gun Control
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Gun-Proof Your Children / Handgun Primer
Two small books in one. A noted law enforcement tells how he protects his own children from guns, and gives advice to armed citizens on handling firearms. | |
The Best Defense : True Stories of Intended Victims Who Defended Themselves with a Firearm
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Safe, Not Sorry: Keeping Yourself and Your Family Safe in a Violent Age
A cornucopia of practical advice on how to protect yourself and your family, including pro-active as well as defensive measures every family should consider. The pros and cons of personal firearms, and how to use them legally. | |
In the Gravest Extreme : The Role of the Firearm in Personal Protection
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Armed and Female
A how-to book for women who want to safely use a gun for self-defense. | |
The Ayoob Files: The Book
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Stopping Power; Why 70 Million Americans Own Guns
A defense of the Second Amendment right to Keep and Bear Arms that debunks the arguments of the gun-control crowd with facts, statistics, and logic. | |
Gun Laws of America: Every Federal Gun Law on the Books, with Plain English Summaries, Third Edition
A word-for-word copy of every Federal Gun law on the books, with plain English summaries. Written by noted Arizona author Alan Korwin and Attorney Michael P. Anthony. | |
The Virginia Gun Owner's Guide
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Arizona Gun Owner's Guide
The book every gun owner in Arizona should read. Contains every Arizona gun law, word for word and translated into plain English. Includes information on Arizona's concealed carry laws. | |
The California Gun Owner's Guide
The book every gun owner in California should read. Contains every California gun law, word for word and translated into plain English. | |
The Florida Gun Owner's Guide
The book every gun owner in Florida should read. Contains every Florida gun law, word for word and translated into plain English. Includes information on Florida's concealed carry laws. | |
The Texas Gun Owner's Guide; Who Can Bear Arms?: Where Are Guns Forbidden?: When Can You Shoot to Kill?
The book every gun owner in Texas should read. Contains every Texas gun law, word for word and translated into plain English. Approved by the Texas Dept. of Public Safety for use in concealed handgun license training. | |
In the Line of Fire: Youths, Guns, and Violence in Urban America
Describes the means and methods of gun-related violence among urban youth, using data collected from juvenile male inmates and male students in inner-city high schools. The book concludes by challenging some stereotypes, and urging a policy aimed at reducing the motivation for gun possession by youth, rather than simply attempting to remove guns from their hands. | |
Under the gun: Weapons, Crime and Violence in America
A sociological survey of a variety of gun ownership and usage patterns. | |
Armed and Considered Dangerous : A Survey of Felons and Their Firearms, Expanded Edition
A sociological study of the criminals who utilize guns. |
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Last updated: March 22, 2003; Version: 1.5